Wednesday, 22 August 2012


MODULE 1                                                          (1)        
1.Which of the following is NOT imported or essential to good record  keeping?  
a. clearly and concisely stated facts
b. a good company policy manual
c. well organized reports presenting a total picture
d. logical sequence to reporting
e. all supporting forms, reports and data included or referenced
2. CWI covers which of the following areas?
a. base metal composition
b. specify welding procedures
c. radiographic examination
d. compute allowable stress
e. None of the above.
3. Which of the following are proper record keeping?
a. always use pencil so corrections can be made later
b. picture and sketch wherever possible
c. cross out the previous entry and initial the correction
d. b & c
e.  all the above
4. A CWI  records may be used
a. to help recall and verify past decisions
b. used to verify man-hour records for the shop
c. for packing slips for shipping
d. used to verify the payment to work invoices
e. all the above
5. A welding inspector should………                                                                                            (2)
a. Make sure records meet the specified requirements.
b. Make sure records are available when needed
c. Make sure records are in as much details are necessary
d. All the above
e. A & b above
6. A welding inspector must be ethical primarily in order to ……..
a. insure that the employer receives fair value for inspection fees
b. render impartial decisions
c. reject every weld the first time in inspection
d. safeguard the public’s health and well-eing
e. b and d above
7. The following are proper means of correcting records.
a. Complete white our incorrect entry, re-enter, initial and date
b. Complete black our incorrect entry, re-enter, initial and date
c. Line out incorrect entry with a single line, correct, date and initial
d. All of the above
8. Which of the following is not a destructive test
a. Fatigue test
b. Bend test
c. Metallographic test
d. Spectrographic chemical analysis test.
e. None of the above

1.Electrical hazards are………..                                                                                                                (3)
a.  minimized by proper equipment installation
b.  more severe in the presence of water or moisture
c.  a & b of the above
d. present in electric arc welders
e. present in secondary leads.
2. Oxyacetylene welding of 16 gauge steel requires absorptive eye protection of
a. shade #4 or 5
b. the same absorptive lens as required for submerged arc welding
c. shade #6 or 8
d. shade #10 or 12
e. just safely glasses
3.Cutting or welding in confined spaces , where should gas cylinder and  welding power sources  be located
a. close to operator
b. on wheels
c. in a  pick up truck
d. outside the confined space
e. in the immediate area
4.Which of the following are true electrical hazards
a. present in electrical arc welder
b. present in secondary leads
c. minimized by proper equipment installation
d. more severe in the presence  of water  or moisture
e. all the above
5. ANSIZ49.1 , where should welding equipment , machine ,cable and other apparatus to located.
a. it cannot affect the duty cycle
b. cannot get stolen
c. cannot present hazards
d. cannot by unauthorized personnel
e. cannot get too much sun
6.ANSIZ49.1 , which of the following is correct when the cylinders are in use
a. placed on their sides to insure stability
b. their protective caps threaded into place
c. placed in a water  bath to dissipate heat
d. accessible to welder to the striking arc
e. secured with a chain or steadying device.

1.  The sketch above shows………                                                                                                    (5)
a. air carbon and cutting (CAC-A)                                             
b. oxy fuel  gas cutting (OFC)
c. gas tungsten are cutting (GTAW)
d. mechanical cutting
e. plasma arc cutting(PAC)
2.  Advantages of the GTAW………….
a. no spatter
b. high quality weld deposits
c. autogenously weld
d. to weld almost dissimilar metals
c. none  of the above
3.The following shielding gases may be used for GMAW?
a. carbon dioxide
b. helium
c. argon
d. all of the above
e. b & c
4.In braze welding ,flux may be applied by which of the following methods?
a. using filler rod pre –coated with flux
b. introducing flux through the oxy fuel gas flame
c. Brushing the flux on the joint prior to brazing
d. All of the above
e. A or C  above
5.Minimizing the slag entrapment                                                                                                  (6)
a. proper positioning the joint
b. slag removal  between the posses
c. changing the electrode
d. a & b
e. all the above
6.FCAW electrode classification uses the letter “ T”
a. Tungsten
b. Tubular
c. Tantalum
d. Thorium
e. Titanium
7.GMAW  has replaced which of the following process
a. gas tungsten arc welding
b. submerged arc welding
c. shielded metal arc welding
d. resistance welding
e. electro slag welding
8. The good strength and impacts properties FCAW electrode will contain which of the following alloying elements
a. silicon
b. carbon
c. copper
d. nickel
e. sulphur

9.Which of the following is not considered a factor when selecting a brazing filler metal
a. base metal compatibility                                                                                                          
b. joint design
c. service requirement
d. temp and heating
e. Position
10. Plasma arc cutting (PAC) is better suited than oxy fuel gas cutting (OFC) for cutting
a. ferrous steel metal
b. non ferrous metals(i.e. aluminium, brass etc
c. any metals with a thickness over 5 inches
d. stainless steel sheet and plate
e. a,b and d above
11.An advantage of plasma arc gouging over carbon arc gouging
a. less cost equipment
b. less grinding to clean up the join
c. elimination of carbon pick up problem
d. all of the above
e. b & c
12. Most influence on the  shielding effectiveness of argon
a. high conductivity
b. low cost
c. high density
d. ability to form a plasma
e. higher flow rate

13.Reverse polarity is a non standard term for ……..                                                                                        (8)         
a. direct current electrode negative
b. direct current electrode positive
c. direct current straight polarity
d. direct current reverse polarity
e. none of the above
14.GTAW and GMAW  the welding are must protected from which of the following factors
a. air drafts
b. welding operator
c. cold temp
d. humidity
e. spatter
15. A  welder performing SMAW with too high travel speed can
a. decrease penetration
b. cause under cutting at the edges of the weld
c. cause difficulty in slag removal
d. all the above
e. a & b
16. When other welding variables are held constant, increasing the high are voltage, during FCAW will
a. Excessive spatter
b. Increased  gas consumption
c. Excessive liner wear
d. Welding fatigue
e. Narrow weld beads                                                                                                                                                                                                  
17. The most accurate regarding the  selection of a filler metal of GTAW application                      (9)
a. GTAW electrodes are not consumed in the GTAW process
b. AWS not specified the selection of filler metal in GTAW
c. To match the properties of the base metal in the welded condition
d. Reaction between filler metal and shielding gas is very important
e. Because of tungsten ,in GTAW process filler materials do not clean like other process.
18. Gas metal arc welding(GMAW) IS SUITABLE FOR WHWT METALS
a. carbon steel
b. stainless steel
c. aluminium
d. all of the above
e. a and b above
19. In SMAW the correct arc length is essential to good welding performance. The correct length varies according to………….
a. electrode classification
b. electrode diameter
c. welding position
d. all of the above
e. a and b above.
20.GTAW process a typical cause of tungsten inclusion
a. excessive fit up
b. insufficient welding current
c. straight polarity welding
d. contact on the electrode tip with the weld pool
e. none of the above

21. GTAW can be used to weld most metals ,which of the following is most useful         (10)
a. cast iron
b. rein forcing
c. heavy steel plate
d. thin gauge aluminium
e. galvanized  parts
22. Limitation of the oxy fuel cutting process
  a.  large plate sections take several passes to cut
  b.  it takes longer to cut thin steels than with other cutting processes
  c. it is hard to change direction using OFC
  d. process is limited to readilty oxidized material
  e. equipment cost very high
23. SMAW with high travel speed can result in which of the following
a.decreased penetration
b. undercutting
c. difficulty to slag removal
d. all of the above
c. a & c
24.  When other welding variable are held constant , increasing the welding current during FCAW will do which of the following
a. increase  penetration
b. increase electrode deposition rate
c. produce concave weld beads with poor appearance
d. all of the above
e. a & b

25.Incomplete fusion can be caused by                                                                                                                 (11)
a. insufficient root opening
b. excessive travel speed
c. excessive electrode diameter
d. all of the above
e. a & c above
26.  The distance between the tip of the welding electrode and the weld pool surface
is called…………
a. arc force
b. arc length
c. arc blow
d. arc strike
e. arc chamber
27.Air carbon arc cutting
a. requires an electrode holder
b. requires an air study
c. may be done manually or mechanically
d. all of the above
e. a & b above
28.During electro slag welding, cracks  may be avoided by maintaining
a. proper electrode feed rate
b. proper current
c. proper spacing between electrodes or guide tubes
d. all of the above
e. a & c above
29. The function of the covering on a covered arc welding electrode is providing………                  (12)
a. shielding gas cover
b. protective slag
c. deoxidized weld metal
d. arc stabilization
e. all of the above
30.A proper travel speed is essential to good welding performance . Which of the following factors influence travel speed
a. surface condition of the base metal
b. joint fit up
c. welding current
d. all of the above
e. a & b above

1.Figure no 1 above is said to be welded in                                                                                                         (13)
a. Flat position
b.Horizontal position
c.Vertical position
d.over head position
e.none of the above
2. Figure no 2 above is said to welded in the
a. flat position
b. horizontal position
c. vertical position
d.over head position
e. none of the above
3.Figure no 3. above is said to be welded in the
 a. flat position
b. horizontal position
c. vertical position
d. over head position
e. none of the above

4. What is the weld position shown in “A”                                                                                                             (14)
     b. 2G.
     c. 3G.
5. What is the position shown in “B”

6. Who is responsible for confirmation of adequate documentation of fabrication and inspection.
a. welder
b. welding inspector
c. welding supervisor
d. project manager
e. none of the above.
7. The following are true –regarding good inspection records
a. the state that the work stayed with in prescribed tolerances
b. the include explanation repairs
c. the records as much details as necessary
d. all of the above
e. a & b
8. Weld test position shown in                                                                                                                                 (15)
a. 1G
b. 2G
c. 1F
d. 2F

9. The following are attribute ogf good inspection system records
a. neatness
b .only SI units
c. use of acronym (short form)
d .brevity
e. all of the above
10. A welding performance qualification test serves to……..
a. determine welder reliability
b. determine statistical input for the purpose of estimating the ratio of
    accepted/rejected welds
c. provide statistical input for the purpose of estimating the ratio of
    accepted /rejected welds
d. determine the welder’s ability to deposit or produce sound weld metal
e. a & c above

11.A welder may be required to retest because                                                                                                (16)
a. he or she fails their initial welding test
b. in case there is a change in an essential variable
c. his or her ability to deposit sound weld metal is questioned
d. all of the above
e. b & c above
12. who is the responsible for the welding procedure
a. AWS
b. Welder
c. Employer
d. Supervisor
e. Welding inspector
13. why should the CWI  keep accurate and up –to- date records and reports
a. to keep the superintendent informed
b. to impress the chief inspector
c. so that he can write better procedures
d. to satisfy governments  agencies
e. to assure compliance  with standards and specifications
14. In the picture letter G – indicates  what?
a. gas backing
b. gouge
c. groove weld
d. grinding in one direction
e. grind flush

1. The test which uses the specimen illustrated above is                                                                              (17)
a. all-weld  metal tensile
b. macrotech
c. impact
d. bend
e. none of the above

2. Brazed joints  can be destructively tested by which of the following testing  methods
 a. metallographic
 b. peel
 c. tension
 d. all of the above
3. Hardness of the base metals can be affected by which of the following conditions?
a.heat treatment
 b.cold working of the metal
c. composition of the base and weld metal
 d. all of the above
4. Hardness test method(s) for metal include(s)
 a. Rockwell
 b. Knoop
 c. Vickers
 d. Brinell
 e. All of the above
5. The fillet weld break test is used to evaluate the....                                                                                   (18)
 a. quality of the fractured weld metal
 b. compression strength of the weld joint
 c. ductility of weld metal
 d. weld’s resistance to lamellar tearing
 e. impact strength of the weld joint
6. Destructive tests of weld are designed to...
a.Determine the mechanical properties (i.e. tensile strength, ductility,         toughness)
b. Determine the modulus of Elasticity of a weld metal
c. Calculate the percent of reduction in area for an all-weld-metal specimen
d. All of the above.
7. How is ductility of a metal expressed and what destructive is used ?
a. percent elongation using a tensile test
b. percent reduction of area using a bent test
c. Joules of notch toughness using a drop weight tear test.
d. Any of the above
e. a or b
8. The destructive test samples may be used to determine notch toughness
a. drop-weight nil ductility
b. charpy V
c. crack tip opening displacement
d. all of the above
e. a&b.

9. The hardness of a ferrous material….                                                                                                                                (19)
a. Is the ability to withstand a sudden blow
b. Is the ability to withstand indentation
c. Cannot estimated by a bent test
d. Has no useful purpose to the inspector.
e. Can be measured by the load test.
1.Sensitization of stainless steel primarily refers to its loss of……….
a. Strength
b. Toughness
c. Ductility
d. Corrosion resistance
e. Impact resistance
2. The base metal next to the weld that has been heated to a sufficiently high
    temperature to cause a change in microstructure is the….
a. tempered zone
b. heat affected zone
c. untempered  zone
d. pcarlite area
e. base plate

3. Which of the following is not a S.S classification                                                                                          (20)
a. marten site
b. austenite
c. prarlite
d. duplex
e. Magnetic
4. Why the upper limit of preheat and interpass temp for tempered and quenched steels.
a. avoid cracking
b. minimum deposit rate
c. too strong for weld meld metal
d. Head affected zone & base metal maintain the strength
e. a&d
5. Which of the following helps to prevent delayed cracking:
a. elimination of the preheat
b. use of low hydrogen electrodes
c. elimination of post weld heat
d. use of cellulose electrodes
e. all of the above
6.Which of the following are sometimes used to control instruction in a weldment?
a. peening
b. preheating
c. fixtures and stress relief
d. back step welding
e. all of the above.

7. Which material cannot be soldered  with conventional soldering method                                      (21)
a. cadmium plate
b. copper
c. titanium
d. gold
e. low corbon plate
8. For join and quenched and tempered steels – which of the following processes can be used…?
b. SAW
d. All of the above
e. B and C above
9. The base metal next to the weld that has been heated to a sufficiently high temp to cause a change in micro
a. temp zone
b. heat affected- zone
c. base material
d. all of the above
10. The carbon equivalent unit is employed to predict the tendency to form which of the following
 a. lammelar pearlite
 b. upper bainite
 c. martensite
 d. austenite
 e. acicular ferrite

11. Which of the following slows the rate of cooling in a weld bead                                                       (22)
a. increasing the travel speed
b. increasing the amp and travel speed proportionally
c. decreasing the heat input
d. pre heading the weld
e. Reducing the electrode size.
12. The following slows the rate of cooling in a weld bead
a. pre heating the weldment
b. reducing the electrode size
c. increasing the speed of travel
d. decreasing the heat  input per inch of weld
e. increasing the same and travel speed proportionally
13. Microscopic examination will reveal the microstructure of the
a. base metal
b. heat affected zone
c. fusion zone
d. all of the above
e. B and C above.
14. The upper limits of preheat and interpose temperatures for quenched and tempered steels are specified for what reason(s)?
a. keep deposit rate to a minimum
b. maintain the strength in the base metal heat affected zone
c. keep the weld metal from becoming to strong
d. avoid cracking in the weldment
e. letters B and D above
15. A stress relief heat treatment (approximately 1150ºF on carbon steel)is intended to              (23)
a.change the microstructure of the weld
b. increase the tensile strength of the weld
c. reduce the residual weld stress across the weld
d. increase the impact strength of the weld
e. Provide the method of over heating for the removal of gas pockets trapped in the weld.
16.For SMAW, which of the following requires higher preheat temperature?
a. High carbon steels
b. Low hydrogen electrodes
c. High strength low alloy steels
d. All of the above
e. a and c above
1. Incomplete fusion – why?
a. proper joint design
b. insufficient heat input
c. molten metal flooding ahead the arc.
d. All of the above
e. b &c.
2. Recommended method for prevent cracking in the weld of low alloy steels.
a. using minimum required preheat and interpass temp.
b. using grades with low carbon and low alloy content.
c. Controlling of hydrogen content during welding
d. a & b
e. all of the above.
3. Which of the following is not a cause of delayed cracking?                                                                     (24)
a. Pre heating
b. Residual stress
c. Susceptible micro
d. Hydrogen
e. Low temp
1.To find out all direction discontinuity in the weld by magnetic particle testing methods?
a. Transverse direction
b. Longitudinal direction
c. Perpendicular direction
d. Parallel direction
e. Two direction – 90 degree apart.
2. Visible solvent removal penetrant , excess penetrant removal should be
a. Flooding the solvent on the surface
b. Gringing & wire brush removal
c. Dampen a lint free cloth solvent and one direction of wiping
d. a & b
e. a & c
3.Metallographic examination to detection the following..
a. Number of weld passes
b. Depth of weld penetration
c. Distribution on no metallic inclusion
d. All of the above
e. a & b
4.The most extremely used weld inspection  method is                                                                                               (25)
a. UT
b. RT
c. MT
d. VT
e. PT
5. An ultrasonic test of a plate shows a trace on the CRT with peaks as shown above. If the sweep is from left to right , the peak at (2) may indicate…
a. a flaw at the surface
b. a flaw near the centre
c. a reflection from the back
d. a flaw at the back
e. there is no flaw indicated on the trace
6. Overexposure to X-rays or gamma rays may cause damage to human
a. sexual organs
b. blood tissue
c. skin
d. internal organs
e. all of the above.
7.Its important to inspect the root pass in multi pass weld
a. verify the weld size
b. verify face reinforcement
c. high restraint may fracture of the wed bead
d. most critical of the weld
e. c & d.

8.Why should interpass cleaning verified                                                                                                            (26)
a. avoid subsequent incomplete fusion
b. avoid porosity
c. avoid welding over crack
d. ensure slag removal
e. all of the above
9.An advantage of visual inspection is
a. for detection and correction of many discontinuities before weld completion
b. least expensive method
c. a & b
10. The symbol above requires
a. penetrant testing on the other side of part 
b. proof testing on the other side of the part
c. penetrant testing on the arrow side of the part
d. proof testing on the arrow side of the part
e. penetrant and radiographic testing from the other side.
11. Radiography testing the placement of the IQI for least favourable geometry.
a.  film side of the object
b.  source  side of the object
c.between the operator and the radiation side

12. In comparison to surface cracks, the sensitivity of magnetic particle inspection to flaws1/4 – inch or more below the surface of a thick.                                                                                                                            (27)
a. Generally much less
b. Approximately equal
c.  Nearly equal if the flaws are fine non-metallic strings
d. Nearly equal if the internal and external flaws have equal widths
e. Greater if the flaws are located near the welds axis and AC  current is used.
13.Before commences of groove weld fit-up, the following variables to check for an inspector.
a.  Root face dimensions
b.  Angular alignment
c.  Root opening
d.  B & C
e.  A & B
14. Which NDT method can be used to detect all of the following flaws /errors:      wrong electrode , excessive travel speed, and /or improper edge preparations?
a.  Radiographic
b.  Visual
c.  Dye penetrant
d.  Hardness
e.None of the above
15. An advantage of UT over RT
a.  No Calibration blocks
b.  Less skilled for interpretation
c.  High sensitivity for porosity
d.  Permanent record
e.  Only one surface – access sufficient.
16. Which Non – Destructive testing is economical for find out tungsten inclusion in aluminium welds.
a.  RT                                                                                                                                                                                     (28)
b.  ET
c.  PT
d.  MT
17.Ultrasonic Waves can be coupled to the test object effectively…
 a. Through a film of oil
 b. Through a film of air
 c. Through a layer of water
 d. Through a layer of grease
 e. A, C and D above
18. In – process welding variable may be inspector need to monitor if required by the WPS.
a.  Interpass temp
b.  Preheat temp
c.  Electrode angle
d.  All of the above
e.  A & B
19. Which of the following variation on the FCAW process is most suitable for field.
a.  Autogenously
b.  Self – Shielded
c.  Bare wire
d.  Covered Electrode
e. Gas-Shielded

20. Typically used radiographic sources in the weld inspection .                                                                               (29)       
a.  Cobalt 60
b.  Iridium 192
c.  X-ray.
d.  All of the above
e.B & C of the above
21. The following are affects the sensitivity of L.P.T.
a.  Size of the developer
b.  Thickness of the developer layer
c.  Application of penetrant
d.  A & B
e.  All of the above
22. A traveller , or production plan , requires UT examination of the faying surface of a weld       joint, the faying surface is describe as…
a.  He surface of the joint which will be ground upon completion of welding.
b.  The face-side of a weldment
c.  The surface of a weldment which will come in contact with any other surface
d.  B & C above
 The mating surface of a member that is in contact with or in close proximity to  another member to which it is to be joined.
23. Which of the discontinuities is not commonly detected by RT.
a.  Undercut
b.  Porosity
c.  Lamination
d.  Slag
e.Incomplete fusion
24. In Process weld Examination , the import ant’s are.                                                                                 (30)
a.  Verify  slag removal
b.  Detect incomplete fusion
c.  Verify the applicable procedure
d.  All of the above
25. The Principle advantages of the ultrasonic testing compared to other NDT Methods for weldments are as follows…
a.  Good Penetrating characteristics for detection of discontinuities in thick section.
b.  Relatively high sensitivity to small discontinuities
c.  Ability to determine position of internal discontinuities and to estimate their size  and shape.
d.  All of the above
e.  A& C above
26. What should be known for proper interpretation of liquid penetrant indications ?
a.  Previous manufacturing processes performed on the part
b.  Technique used in applying and removing the penetrant
c.  Method used to clean part prior to inspections
d.  All of the above
e.None of the above
27. The factor Which is most important to the reliability of a test is …
a.  Ease of conducting test
b.  Cost of required equipment
c.  Reproducibility of test conditions
d.  Speed of testing
e.  Portability of equipment

28. Prior to welding, a CWI should check                                                                                                              (31)
a.  If the welding procedures qualified in accordance with the contract spec.
b.  If the weld is qualified for the process and position
c.  If the joint design and joint preparations meet the requirements of the welding procedure
d. The inspection requirements called out by the contract spec.
e.All of the above
29. During examination of a production weldment , The inspector noted that discontinuity indications found by the method were not found by the PT method. What does that indicate?
a.  There are no flaws
b.  The discontinuities are all on the surface
c.  The discontinuity sizes are too small for PT Sensitivity.
d.  The discontinuity are not exposed to the surface
e.None of the above
30. What aspects of fabrication can be checked through visual inspection during welding
a.  Sequence of weld passes
b.  Interpass cleaning
c.  Proper preheat and interpass temp
d.  All of the above
e.  A & B
31.The CWI is not qualified by training, experience , and capability to perform a specific assignment , What should the CWI do.
a.  Inform then Supervisor and not perform that specific assignment
b.  Attempt to complete the assignment
c.  Complete the assignment and get training later
d.  Stop all work until procedure and development within the inpsectors qualification
e.Allow work to continue because further welder experience will improve quality.
32. Which of the following joint preparation variables in groove weld are important for an inspector to check before fit-up.                                                                                                                                                         (32)
a.  Bevel angle
b.  Depth of penetration
c.  Root opening
e.A & C, e. B & C
33. Liquid penetration inspection is used for detecting…
a.  Weld undercut
b.  Excessive weld reinforcement
c.  Weld discontinuities open to the surface
d.  Short fillet weld leg size
e.  Depth of weld penetration
34. liquid penetrant applied to the surface of a test specimen…
a.  Flows into discontinuities upon application of developer
b.  Is absorbed by discontinuities
c.  Is drawn into a discontinuity by capillary action
d.  A and C above
35. What aspects of fabrication can be checked through visual inspection during welding?
a.  Sequence of weld passes
b.  Interpass cleaning
c.  Proper Preheat
d.  All of the above
e.A and B above

36. Which of the following could interfere with liquid penetrant testing?                                           (33)
a.  An oily surface
b.  A wet surface
c.  A rough weld
d.  All of the above
e. Only A and B above
37. The certified welding inspector may be required to verify the following records are maintained…
a.  Welding procedure qualification
b.  Control of welding materials
c.  Welder Qualification
d.  All of the above
e.A and C above
38. Brazed Joints can be inspected by which of the following testing methods?
a.  Ultrasonic
b.  Leak
c.  Torsion
d.  All of the above
e.A and B above
39. Which of the following is an advantage of florescent penetrants over visible dye penetrants?
a.  The inspection can be carried out in a well-lighted area
b.  Small indications are more easily seen
c.  It can be used where contact with water is objectionable
d.  It is less sensitive to contamination of discontinuities
e.  The dye requires no vehicle or solvent

40. An inspector may check which of the following welding?                                                                     (34)
a.  Preheat and interpass temperature requirements and measuring methods
b.  Filler metal control and handling
c.  Use of welders qualified for specific operations
d.  All of the above
e.A and B above
41. At which of the following times should the CWI inspect to assure compliance with the welding procedure?
a.  Only during the qualification activity
b.  Prior to, during and after production welding
c.  When requested to by the welding foreman
d.  Once each job
e.Approximately every 6 months.
42. When  should visual inspection be performed preferably to produce the most cost effective quality per specification?
a.  After welding
b.  When the foreman tells you
c.  Prior to welding
d.  During welding
e.A, C and D above.
43. Which of the following conditions will effect the rate and extend a liquid penetrant will enter cracks, fissures and other small openings?
a.  The hardness of the specimen being tested
b.  The Surface condition of the specimen being tested.
c.  The colour of the penetrant
d.  The conductivity of the specimen being tested
e.  The magnetic field residual in the specimen.


  1. HI Great Savior,

    Can kindly you publish the respective answers too? Thank you

  2. Hello does any one have answers??

  3. Hello mr Venkatesh! Thank you for uploading cwi modules and questionrie I was wondering if you can post some of the sketches which are missing for the question and as well as the answers for them it will be really appriciated. Thank you

  4. Please provide ans for this questions
